Dr. Suomi Dutta
Dr. Soumi Dutta is an Associate Professor and Assistant HOD of Department of Computer Application at the Institute of Engineering & Management, India. She has completed her Ph.D. from the Department of CST, IIEST, Shibpur. She received her B.Tech. in IT and her M.Tech. in CSE securing 1st position(Gold medalist), both from Techno India Group.
Her research interests are Data Mining, Information Retrieval, Online Social Media Analysis, Micro-Blog Summarization, Spam Filtering Sentiment Analysis, and Clustering of Micro-Blogging Data. She was the editor in CIPR2019, IEMIS2018, IEMIS 2020 and CIPR 2020 Springer Conferences, special issue 2 volumes in IJWLTT. She is TPC member in various international conferences such as – SEAHF, DSMLA, ARIAM, CIPR.
She is peer reviewer in different international journal such as – Journal of King Saud University – Computer and Information Sciences, Springer, Elsevier etc. She is the member of several technical functional bodies such as IEEE, MACUL, SDIWC, ISOC, ICSES, IEEE WIE. She has published several papers in reputed journals and conferences. She has recently published 3 patents on Railway Track Safety Monitoring And Control System Using IoT, Sensor Based Artificial Limb For Physically Challenged People, System And Method For Solar Powered Washing Machine For Industrial Purposes.