Dr. Muhammad Farooq
I have more than 12 years of research, industrial and teaching experience around the globe including UK, USA, China, Italy, Turkey, Germany, France, Pakistan, Spain and Netherlands. Currently, I am working as Assistant Professor at the Mechanical Engineering Department, University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore.
I am leading a research group of Energy Environment and Sustainability Research (EESR) at the department, with a team of 20 researchers and more then 15 national & international collaborators and supervising a number of M.Sc. and PhD students.
I have a research portfolio of about $135,000 USD and am author of more than 50 leading technical journals and peer reviewed conference papers with an impact factor of more than 100. As an Editor, I have handled more than 150 research articles of top notch journals including Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Frontiers in Energy Research, Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments – Elsevier (Impact Factor: 3.456), and International conference on Mechanical Engineering – 2020. As a volunteer and recognized reviewer of leading international journals, I have reviewed more than 50 research publications and received recognition awards from top notch journals of Elsevier, Springer, SAGE Publishing and Taylor & Francis group.
I have received various highly competitive travel and research grants including Faculty Research Grant, British Council Travel Award, Neilson Research Award, EU-CO2-TRIP Project funded by Marie Curie Actions IRSES for Clean Coal Energy Generation, UK ADNET Research Travel Grant, UK BBSRC and Faculty Development Scholarship. I served regularly as chair of technical sessions (3), connference seceartory (1), member of technical committees (10), conducted national (7) and international trainings (2) as resource person, Organizer (8) and invited key-note speaker (2) in various world-renowned international conferences, summer schools and professional meetings related to Mechanical and Energy systems.