MSC Milorad Miljić
Milorad Miljic was born on 19th January 1991. He has graduated at the University of Novi Sad at the Department of Chemistry, Biochemistry and Environmental protection in 2015 and completed his master studies in 2016. He is 3rd year PhD student of Biochemistry. His research area is investigation of bioactive compounds from plant food (fruits, vegetables and medical plants) and their nutritive value, specifically, He is researching pumpkin-derived carotenoids and their impact on human health.
He has published one research paper as co-author and he was participant of one international congress (FoodTech 2018) and one domestic congress (7th Conference of the Young Chemists of Serbia 2019). In 2019, he spent 6 months in Italy in Ancona, as part of the Erasmus+ students mobility program working on his thesis. He is a member of Serbian Chemical Society.