
What does it mean to be a member of AIDASCO?

Being a member of AIDASCO means that you actively support our efforts and seek for the ways how our interested members could collaborate in academic, scientific and related activities. If you have interesting news about some project, or you maybe know some research group that seeks for MSc, PhD students or postdoc fellow, feel free to contact us and we will post the information on our web site. 

You can, for example, search and suggest some funding source which can be used for supporting research activities or organization of events. You can also search for sponsors or partners who would support our activities. 

We are opened for suggestions on all questions, especially to ones related to the promotion of students and younger researchers. Also, AIDASCO will support our members in applying for their own projects, with our expertise, skills and other available resources. For example, if you need a foreign partner, we can serve as a partner, or we can help you find one.  

Also, all members of AIDASCO agree to receive emails and electronic newsletters from the AIDASCO.

Is there a membership fee?

No. There is no membership fee and, although that makes things much harder for us, we will keep it that way. We are actively seeking sponsors, donations and supporters, and that is why we need your help. Currently, all of the expenses are covered personally by the AIDASCO founders.

Membership certification

Certification of membership are available, but only to active participants who have:

  • provided their photos; 
  • provided information for their short biographies;
  • allowed to be presented at AIDASCO web site (listed as a member, together with their contact information).

Why are these criteria necessary for issuing the membership certificate?

These are elementary criteria that enable active participation. Collaboration between our members is essential. If others can’t see that you are a member of AIDASCO and if they can’t contact you, it is impossible to have an active collaboration. 

 Other important information about membership certificates are as following:

  • Membership certificates are issued in electronic form and are free of charge;
  • Membership certificates last for one year;
  • Membership certificates are re-issued for the next year if the criteria are met.

Why membership certificates last for “only” one year?

We want to have an active community. If some member is not an active member, it is pointless for him/her to be listed on our website and it is pointless to issue him/her a perpetual membership certificate.

Why are there some members without profile image

As of January 2021, we have upgraded the website functionality and ever since it is mandatory to submit a profile image when applying for membership. In the previous application form, it wasn’t mandatory to submit a profile image and some of the members who have joined then are still not having images on their personal pages. After the website upgrade, we have decided to include them as well on the website, but they will have to submit their profile images during the 2021. 

Profile image and contact details are necessary for several reasons. It helps us to review the application and approve the membership. Also, it helps in communication between members and contributes to the promotion and transparency of AIDASCO.

Other details about certificates issued by AIDASCO

For all events organized by AIDASCO, corresponding certificates for active participants will be issued. For example, if you have given an invited lecture at some of the events we organized, you will be receiving the corresponding certificate. 

All certificates will be stamped, signed by the Board President and will be containing a valid certificate number. All issued certificates will be confirmed in the official reports of the Board meetings.