Prof. Jaime Eduardo Gutiérrez Ascón

I am Industrial Engineer graduated from the National University of Trujillo, with studies master’s Strategic Administration from the José Faustino Sánchez Carrión National University; with academic internships at the Santo Tomas de Aquino University – Bogotá COLOMBIA and at the Hermilio Valdizán National University – Huánuco PERÚ.

Lecturer at Congresses on scientific research in universities Autónoma de México-UNAM; Agraria University (Uniagraria) Bogotá- COLOMBIA; Los Libertadores- Bogotá – COLOMBIA; San José – Bogotá- COLOMBIA. Conferences in National Congresses, participant with works in National Engineering Congresses CONEII.

Certified Quantitative Risk Management – CQRM by the International Institute of Professional Education and Research – IIPER USA.

Methodological advisor in the specialties of Industrial Engineering, Systems Engineering, Electrical Mechanical Engineering, Architecture, Administration, External advisor for research work at the San Marcos National University; ESAN; Hermilio Valdizán; Uniagraria; Alas Peruanas.

Professor of Research Projects and Research Project Development at the César Vallejo University – Chimbote subsidiary.

Publication of articles in Scientific Journals “Infinitum” “ INGnosis” “Engineering” “Face” and “Epigmalión”.

Member´s Network in Latin American Studies in Administration and Business- RELAYN. Member’s Research Gate; Member´s International Association of Engineers-IAENG.

Professor of chairs in Total Quality Management-TQM by the César Vallejo University; Statistical Simulation; Inferential Statistics and Descriptive Statistics by the José Faustino Sánchez Carrión National University- Huacho PERÚ.

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